GDUFS Symposium on Language Acquisition and Language Therapy


Aspect and modality of the ba and bei constructions

in child Mandarin


Deng Xiangjun

Shenzhen University



    This study examines the ba and bei constructions in Mandarin using data from the Tong corpus, a new multimedia longitudinal child language corpus. A unified aspectual account of the two constructions is proposed: both require telic predicates, and should thus correlate with the perfective rather than imperfective aspect for learners. Analysis of corpus and diary data reveals that Tong is generally sensitive to the telic requirement when he begins to use the two constructions around 2;0. His ba and bei sentences occur far more frequently in perfective than imperfective aspect, consistent with the Aspect Hypothesis. However, while the majority of the child’s bei passives are perfective, the majority of his ba sentences are aspectless, among which most are irrealis (imperatives, modal sentences, etc.). The difference mirrors the pattern in adult input. These findings are corroborated by additional child Mandarin corpora. The acquisition of the aspectual properties of the ba and bei constructions is influenced by inherent knowledge, input and language-specific features of Mandarin, consistent with the multi-factorial account proposed by Shirai (1991, 1998) and Chen & Shirai (2010).



About the Speaker

Deng Xiangjun is an assistant professor at the School of Foreign Languages in Shenzhen University and a researcher at the Research Centre for Language and Cognition at Shenzhen University. She was recognized by Shenzhen Municipality as Overseas High-Caliber Personnel (Peacock Plan). Her research interests include child language acquisition, Chinese syntax and semantics, corpus linguistics, comparative linguistics and psycholinguistics. She has published articles in Linguistics and Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Some recent research will appear in Journal of Child Language and First Language. In 2016, she published a multimedia longitudinal child Mandarin Corpus, the Tong Corpus, on Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES) in collaboration with Prof. Virginia Yip at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 


Processing of prosodic focal information in a second language:

Evidence from eye movement in the Visual World Paradigm


Ge Haoyan

Open University of Hong Kong



This ‘visual-world’ eye-tracking study investigates how Cantonese L2 learners of English use prosodic information in the processing of focus in English. Focus in English is typically realized by assigning prosodic prominence to the focal element. Different prosodic placement triggers different interpretations of a sentence with the focus particle only and affects its truth-condition (Jackendoff, 1972; Rooth, 1992), as in (1). By contrast, the use of prosody to realize focus in Cantonese is confined to duration- and intensity-related cues. Rather, Cantonese uses focus particles and varies word order to achieve the same purpose.


(1)      a. The dinosaur is only carrying the BUCKET. (object focus)

b. The dinosaur is only CARRYING the bucket. (verb focus)


    Forty Cantonese L2 learners of English and forty native speakers of English participated in this study. They heard English only-sentences with prosodic prominence on either the object or the verb while looking at four pictures, with their eye movements being recorded. A post-test task was conducted to examine whether participants are sensitive to the placement of prosody in speech perception.

    The results revealed anticipatory eye-movements to the alternatives of focus in native controls based on the presence of prosody, whereas Cantonese L2 learners’ eye movements were similar across conditions regardless of the placement of prosody. In the acoustic perception task, Cantonese L2 learners showed similar accuracy and even shorter reaction times than native controls. The findings suggest that while Cantonese L2 learners are sensitive to prosodic information, they have difficulty in integrating prosodic cues and into semantic parsing of focus.



Ge Haoyan is a Research Assistant Professor at the School of Education and Languages at the Open University of Hong Kong. She received her MPhil and PhD in Linguistics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include bilingual child language acquisition, second language acquisition, psycholinguistics and corpus linguistics. She uses a number of research paradigms in her work, including eye-tracking and corpus methods. Her work has appeared in international academic journals such as First Language and Studies on Prosodic Grammar. She was a visiting researcher in the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS at the Utrecht University and an active member of Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has obtained Administering and Coding Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule 2 (ADOS-2) for clinical and research reliability.




陆 烁 罗琴芹




本研究采用Eyelink 1000plus眼动仪,以25名汉语母语者、20名英语母语者及7名汉语失语症患者为被试,通过文本阅读任务考察汉语失语症患者的阅读障碍眼动表征。实验设计难、易两种类型的说明文阅读任务,考察三组被试间在总阅读时长、平均注视点时长、回视百分比、眼跳数量和平均眼跳幅度等参数上的眼动表现差异,结果发现:1)时长方面,三组被试间平均trail阅读时长存在显著差异(p0.001),其中汉语母语者用时最短,而失语症患者最长;但在平均注视点的时长上,汉语失语症患者表现出显著更长的趋势(p=0.01),而汉英母语者间无显著差异;2)注视点数量方面,各组间均存在trail平均数量上的显著差异(p=0.003),其中汉语母语者最少,而失语症患者最多;在英语文本根据单词、汉语文本根据语言学意义上的词汇进行兴趣区划分后,发现三组被试在兴趣区平均注视点数量上同样存在显著差异(p0.001),其数量趋势与trail平均注视点一致;另外,在无注视点兴趣区的比例上,三组被试间也存在显著差异(p0.001),汉语母语者的比例更大,而失语症患者最小;3)眼跳方面,三组被试间在向右眼跳幅度上存在显著差异(p0.001),汉语母语者幅度最大,失语症患者最小;在回视比值上,汉语语言显著高于英语(p0.001),而汉语内部则呈现边缘显著的特点(p=0.081);4)兴趣区内注视点位置方面,在忽略同一行文本的注视点可能出现的上下浮动后,考察三组被试在兴趣区横轴上距离中心的偏离度,发现汉语内部无显著差异(p=0.521),而汉语的偏离度显著大于英语(p0.001)。








吴 庄




    焦点小品词(Focus particles)也叫做焦点敏感算子(Focus sensitive operators),如英语中的“only”、“also”、“even”和汉语中的“只”、“也/还”、“都//就”等。传统语言学一般把焦点小品词看作副词。但与一般的副词不同,这类词语与句子中的对比焦点(即最凸显的信息)相关联,表达焦点成分与语境中的其他事物之间的关系。比如,在有小兔子和小鸭子的语境中,“只有小兔子吃了香蕉”表示“小鸭子没吃香蕉”,因此“只”被称为排他性焦点小品词(Exclusive focus particle);“小兔子也吃了香蕉”则表达“小鸭子吃了香蕉”,因此“也”是添加性的焦点小品词(Additive focus particle);而“小兔子都吃了香蕉”不仅表达“小鸭子吃了香蕉”,还隐含“在小兔子和小鸭子两者中,小兔子是最不可能吃香蕉的”,因而“都”是等级性的焦点小品词(Scalar focus particle)。焦点小品词的理解涉及句法、音系和语用等多个模块的语言知识以及这些模块之间的互动,为我们观察儿童语言能力的发展,特别是接口知识(Interface knowledge)的习得提供了很好的窗口。本次讲座中我们将报告一系列对于汉语儿童理解不同焦点小品词的实验研究,结果将表明儿童很早就掌握了焦点小品词的相关语言知识,但他们会因为在加工对比项方面存在困难而与成人之间表现出差异。






The covert dependency in Mandarin wh-questionsEvidence from self-paced reading studies


Yang Yang, Leticia Pablos, Lisa Cheng

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies



     Wh-question words in Mandarin remain in-situ at their base position, different from wh-movement languages like English in which wh-words are fronted to sentence initial position (Spec-CP). In processing a wh-movement question, when the wh-word (filler) is encountered, the parser actively looks for its base position (gap) and establishes an overt dependency. Nevertheless, for wh-in-situ questions like Chinese, where there is no overt (non-local) dependency, little is known about how exactly an in-situ wh-word is processed. Although theoretical studies have proposed that the wh-word in Chinese is licensed by the interrogative operator (Q) at Spec-CP or Co, and obtains the interrogative quantificational force, constructing a covert dependency between the in-situ wh-word and the interrogative operator, little is known whether there is any processing evidence for such a covert dependency in in-situ questions. To answer this question and to further understand the processing mechanism of in-situ questions like Mandarin, we conducted three word-by-word self-paced reading studies. To be specific, we compared simplex wh-questions (‘who’) with their declarative counterparts containing indefinites and complex wh-questions (‘which’) with their declarative counterparts containing indefinites, given that wh-words in Mandarin are in nature indefinites (Cheng, 1991). Our findings show that wh-questions were in general processed with more cost/time than their declarative counterparts, which provides evidence for the parser’s establishment of a covert dependency between wh-words and the interrogative operator higher in the clause. Moreover, we find that complex questions are in general processed with extra cost compared to simplex questions due to the discourse-linking nature of the wh-phrase in complex questions.



About the Speaker

Yang Yang (杨洋) is currently working as a Yunshan Young Scholar at National Key Research Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. She obtained her PhD degree from Leiden University in the Netherlands in 2018 and her MA degree in General Linguistics and Applied Linguistics from Shanghai International Studies University in 2013. Yang Yang has a broad research interest in cross-discipline areas, including Syntax-Prosody Interface, Psycholinguistics, Autism and Second Language Acquisition. She is looking forward to collaborating with scholars with different backgrounds.